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at 100% on a 1366x768 (or 16:9) screen!!!
• new art on da art page!
• added ipod to cd page (it hurt very bad, so please congratulate me)
• *rent-lowering gunshot*
• siamese dream added to cd collection
• three new scribbles added to the art page
• tweaked updates div background
• (shitty) manifesto is up!
• fresh new scrollbar
• added quizzes to about page
• new journal entry
• new art :3
• another bat!
• evil fang that you can boop?! (now with audio!)
• badged-out footer
• to-do list
• re-did the about me page
• bats!
• anchored divs to the left so zooming in or out doesn't fuck up the page
• art page is up!
• updates widget
• cd page has been partially finished!
• new journal entry!!!
oh hey, didn't see ya there.
heh. what you're currently reading is my pseudo-manifesto. i've never been good with thesis statements and shit, and that's okay. this is my website. which is exactly what i'm going to be talking about.
i initially created this site as an anonymous and safe space to vent in the wake of a frustrating period in my life, acting no more than a simple pre-made blog with an art page.
in the second rendition of my site, i molded the purpose to hold my interests, as well as beginning to dabble in simple hand-coding. i clearly had no idea how to coherently set up a page on my own, as it doesn't look very great in hindsight, though that was probably the intended effect since i was quite proud of it when it first got posted up. i recall spending my nights awake in the basement at ungodly hours, grinning to myself because i finally got some stupid code to actually function. there's not much to see on that site, unfortunately, save for two "blog posts", one piece of art, and a cute little java-infused button (which i reused on this site!!!).
i'm currently on the third rendition of this wonderful neocities-hosted website, "itai yo." it now serves to be.. me. it has my persona, my interests, my thoughts, my feelings, my art, my music taste. it's my own little corner of the internet, one that i've carved out all on my own, without inhibition.
this place stands for freedom of expression. do whatever the fuck you want, however the fuck you want. as long as you aren't harming anyone, i'm on board with it. this is where i want to feel free to be a freak. and i mean freak. i'm strictly anti-censorship, as well as a part-time punk (as in i'm a newbie still learning, and my parents will literally stop feeding me if i speak my mind).
as such, this place is very, wildly welcome to neurodivergents, punks, proshippers, fujos, fudans, and fujins, rpf writers, furries, therians, paraphiles, the mentally ill, people of colour, queers, and the like. tl;dr i LOVE weirdos.
i hope to grow this little thing, flesh it out. i want it to be something i can show someone without immediately crawling inside of my own skin and wishing death upon myself for doing something so stupid. too descriptive? yeah.
to put it sweetly, this is my abode. i do whatever the fuck i want here and if you don't like that, well you can suck my pink glittery penis :3. shoplifting is cool and cops are evil. be gross and stinky and a fucking freak. life is short.