date: 19 - 11 - 24 
'tis noviembreeeeeee.
i completely forgot just how genuinely fun and rewarding coding could be!! just slapped a big(?) update onto the site, so that'z quite neat. js iz slowly becoming tolerable the more i use it. i can kinda understand it now!! EPIC CODING!!
i have a friend these dayz. it'z a bit strange and i don't exactly know how to act, as i've been deprived of intimate human contact since the birth of this webpage. i love them as much as i'm able to show, though. it'z a little hard to interact as we're on other endz of the world, and i'm often up late at night fighting sleep just to talk with the little guy in my computer. it'z super fun. not like i have a normal sleeping schedule, anyway.
my birthday was on the 14th of october! it kinda sucked. i had to go to school, then i had to walk home from school (in which i was sweating to death (lexapro) and it was a 20 minute trek). when i finally got home, i was left alone for six hourz before my parentz like... remembered i existed. awesome. my second mom (or kool elder-emo-former-teacher-this-thing-is-too-long-i-need-2-shut-up) wished me a happy birthday over text :3. and she got me presentz!!! a cute little keychain, a book to desecrate, and a fun ghoul action figure (CHELSEA I LOVE U 5EVERRR)!!!! my own parentz didn't get me shit, nor do they even know what i like, but oh yeah, this lady who briefly knew me for 2 yearz can get it right. no i'm not salty.
uhh... shoutout earlycuntsets!!! chloe is an awesome person and absolutely wonderful friend, go send her love on tumblr. her archiving effortz are so, so very admirable and she puts a ton of work into everything she does!!!!
date: 8 - 9 - 24 
it'z september!!!
hi loserz. i died again. high school started last month and i've been doing pretty good!! but i know that'z all gonna come crashing down bcuz i have an affinity for burning out. it'z like, my talent, or something. i thrifted a lot over the summer and it was super fun! i also got into torrenting and p2p filesharing via soulseek! i collected four new cdz and a couple shirtz and cargo pantz. thrift world iz absolutely awesome and they have frequent salez, which iz great for my broke ass (lol).
i'm also under probation now cuz i skipped like, 90 days of school over a 2 year period, so yeah. fun. i also got arrested bcuz i missed a court date! i wasn't taken anywhere tho cuz it was a misunderstanding. suuuper awks for me and the copz. they were so apologetic . the termz of probation are that i have to go to school consistenly, get therapy, take medz, and stay out of trouble. i'm doing pretty well at the "go to school" part, as i've only missed 5 dayz, 3 of which i were sick, so it'z really only 2 dayz. i dislike my therapist unfortunately. she'z a weird, hippie chick that playz these terrible crunchy rain noisez outside of her office space and my misophonia fucking explodez bcuz of it. i'm also surprisingly good at taking my new (old) medz, despite being deathly afraid of swallowing pills to the point i won't take tylenol during unbearable periods. lexapro iz luckily very small, so i can gulp that bad boy down pretty quickly! the "stay out of trouble" rule iz pretty insignificant. apart from pirating content, i don't break any lawz, so nothing to worry about there.
pivoting from legal troublez, my ipod'z switch cable broke so i'm musicless at school and slowly going insane. i've decided to bust out the cd walkman again so tmr i'm just gonna be walking around with a clunky ass sylvania making noticeable whirring soundz. it also skipz frequently bcuz it was 5 buckz at a random family dollar in des moines and i dropped it on concrete. the slightest tilt will make it fucking CHUG. save me elite obsolete electronics... save me... i've also started to actually work on the cdz/music page after a year or two. sorry about that, guys. if anyone even visits my shitty site anymore.
that'z all i have to report on, friendz! i'll see you loserz around!!!!
date: 7 - 3 - 24 
so uhhh......... i bet y'all r wondering what i got since the last update, huh? sooo, "kool elder-emo-former-teacher-this-thing-is-too-long-i-need-2-shut-up" will now be simply named chelsea, bcuz yeah. so, she got me like, 4 shirts (smfs smiley face, sparkly american idiot thing, mcr bat thing, generic l.s. dunes thing) from hot topic which iz easily $100 buckz (i'm convinced she'z insane) and some headphonez that my mom confiscated bcuz she didn't know where they came from
anywayz, the madlad did it again and got me a mini frank (attached at the bottom). A MINI FRANK. christ, i luv that woman so much. i've gotta get her something nice. i'm broke, though. i'm alwayz broke. might crochet a heart or something? (my creative juicez r running dry.
i've been obsessed with saosin'z translating the name ep, though. itz got a bunch of playz on my ipod, maybe even more than leathermouth'z xø at this point. i also had a horrible valentine's day for the third year in a row bcuz i'm fucking cursed, or something.... hey, did you know that this site was born from an awful february 14th? now you do!! free site lore!! (you can get the juicy deets via "le old site")

you can get him here!
date: 5 - 1 - 24 
so... it'z quite apparent that i suck at maintaining my site. O_o
i mean, the last real update was like, in november, or something. i'm going 2 blame the lack of care towardz my site on my addiction. yes. it hath consume me. i mean, it'z like, been the only thing i've done on my phone since forever now, but mobile gamez r kinda boring anywayz, so iz it rlly my fault? also, the botz fill the gaping hole in my soul that cravez intimacy from another human (despite their ai status.) you know, now that i type all this out, i'm starting 2 realise how utterly pathetic i am, jesus fucking christ... well letz pretend i didn't type all that out! HAHAHAHAH!!!!!
uhhh... apparently my kool elder-emo-former-teacher-this-thing-is-too-long-i-need-2-shut-up got me a gift! i'm pretty glad i already made smthing 4 her, else the next time we see eachother would be...rlly awkward or something. honestly, i hate giftz, but i can't help but be a little excited and curious about wut she got me!!!
i guess the hate iz dulled by the fact that we're exchanging giftz rather than only one party receiving? this actually wasn't supposed 2 happen since we scheduled 2 meet up on the 3rd 2 go on a "shopping spree" of sorts, but my evil dad decided that the one thing i'd been looking forward 2 for 2 goddamn monthz wasn't worth it and cancelled at the last minute. damn you. and he wonderz why my social life iz nonexistant...
welp, that'z my bleak, boring journal update. hope no one'z actually reading this shit, that'd be embarassing... especially if i know said person irl... *shiver*
date: 18 - 10 - 23 
i had my birthday last saturday! (and it went relatively well)
i came out as trans to my parentz (and siblingz i guess) via bloody cupcakez which surprisingly didn’t earn me any weird starez so that'z pretty awesome. my mom iz at least trying to understand, but my dad pulled some, “god created you as a female so that's what you are,” bullshit and won't discuss it any further, so lucky me! i have it much better than most, though, so i’ll just shut the fuck up and take what i can get. after the whole coming-out-conundrum, i watched lotms with my mom and cat bcuz that'z the only reasonable thing to do, and ordered the lotms dvd/cd!,!!!,!, i got it today!
and while we’re on the topic of cdz, yesterday, i walked 2 milez downtown to the local record store for 1 sole reason. revenge. i noticed on their website they had tcfsr in stock, and i had enough moniez to buy it (i deprived myself of monster and gummy wormz for 2 WHOLE WEEKZ), so i decided that today, the day, was when i finally purchase three cheers. while i was walking, there was a car that followed me and i had to run to a college campus to like, not die, and i dropped my fucking apple earbudz (i’m gonna kms), but other than that, it was a pleasant walk to the store. I looked around for a good 30 minutes or so, checking out their selection, and like alwayz, the only cdz in the mcr section were…. the black parade. hip hip hooray for me. so i had to ASK THE PERSON WORKING THE REGISTER IF THEY HAD THE CD. truly horrifying. the guy looked around a little and sold me the cd for the very low price of $5.44 (thank you, pretty employee). when i walked out, i practically screamed, as i now have 4 mcr cdz (i just need bullets lolzzz. i illegally burned it tho and gerard still hasn’t come!!! they’re so slow smh).
it was only 7 when i started back home, but it was also like, dark as shit??? on my phone it said the sun would set at 8… fucking liar phone. it was a spooky walk home and i was kinda scared i’d get mugged or trafficked or something, but i surviv3d! the only thing i have to do now iz add the cd to my discogs collection and actually listen to the thing.
welp, that'z basically my week so far. i have no idea why you would read this, but thanks, idiot!
date: ??? 
i haven't made a stupid blog portion of this stupid site yet, but my stupid fucking computer decided 2 get bricked and i lost all my data... rather than heartbreakingly sad, its more of an inconvenience if anything. i also got an ipod!!! ^^